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South Fayette Girls Basketball Association


SFGBA COVID-19 Return To Play Protocols:
Updated: 11/24/20

  • All players, coaches, and parents/spectators must follow the Return to Play Protocols (including and any additional/specific rules for facilities we are using)
  • Stay home if you are not feeling well, have had recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, or are subject to an exposure quarantine
  • Only players and coaches are permitted to remain at practices, parents are to wait outside for pick up and drop off
  • Attendance guidelines for games will be determined by the facility rules, subject to applicable government guidelines and will be shared as soon as available/updated.   
  • Coaches will make reasonable efforts to socially distance whenever possible; in team huddles, at benches, etc.
  • Players will need to bring their own water and are responsible for removing ALL items/any garbage at the end of an event  
  • In accordance with PA state and local health guidelines, Players, Coaches and Spectators are required to wear masks; However, while using South Fayette facilities, Players are exempt from wearing masks while engaged in activity during a practice or game.
  • To minimize overlap with other scheduled activities prior to or after your scheduled event, please follow specific arrival instructions and depart promptly at the conclusion of your practice or game.
  • Coaches will accommodate and treat fairly any player who are unable to return to play for any reason

Health Check questions:  All players and coaches are expected to assess before attending a practice or game.  Anyone answering yes to any of the following questions must stay home/not attend.
  1. Have you experienced a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher in the past 14 days?
  2. Have you received a positive result from a COVID-19 test within the past 14 days?
  3. In the past 14 days, have you been been instructed by a health care provider or a health department to quarantine due to actual or suspected exposure to COVID-19?
  4. In the past 14 days, have you traveled out of state and upon return have not yet had a negative test for COVID-19?
  5. In the past 14 days, have you experienced any of these symptoms (cough, loss of smell or taste, runny nose, shortness of breath, sore throat) that was not attributed to another health condition?

Additional Guidance to Coaches:
  • Lead by example in following and adhering to all Return to Play Protocols
  • Inquire as to the health of all players before the start of any practice or game; players who do not feel well must be told to return home
  • Respect players, parents, and families by accommodating players who may not be ready to return to play or must stay home
  • Communicate arrival times in advance to your teams to avoid overlaps; start and end practices on time; ensure your team exits the facility in a timely fashion
    • Practice times will be staggered to provide a short time between practice sessions to allow for separation during departure and arrival
  • Coaches must wear masks at all times; At South Fayette school facilities, Players may remove masks while actively participating in practice or games - but players but should have masks at any other time – this includes:
    • While on the bench during games
    • While on the sidelines/waiting to participate during a practice scrimmage or drill
  • No use of pinnies for practice - players should wear only their own gear for practices and games
  • Make appropriate and reasonable efforts to maintain social distancing during team huddles, on the bench, and during on-court instruction
  • There will be no post-game handshakes (or similar activities), no post-game/practice snacks
  • Notify your SFGBA coordinator/board immediately if you learn that a coach or player has been exposed to COVID-19

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South Fayette Girls Basketball Association

South Fayette Girls Basketball Association, PO Box 93
Morgan, Pennsylvania 15064

Email Us: [email protected]
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